Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day Seven - At the Farmer's Market

This morning, hubby and I decided to take the kids down to the local Farmer's Market to shop.  What a treasure trove we found!   Fresh garlic on the bulb.  Gorgeous looking carrots.  Button, Portabello, and Oyster mushrooms.  Spinach.  Bulb Onions.  Fresh herbs. Cabbage.  Lettuces galore.  And to top it off, we found also found different kinds of jerky and fresh-made sausages.  We will be trying buffalo, turkey, and elk jerky this week in addition to the traditional beef jerky.  I was SOOO very tempted by some lamb...but it was so pricey that I didn't take that plunge.  It was a lot of fun exploring the different fresh foods and taking our children in hand as we embarked on this adventure.  There were all kinds of people there.  We saw entire families likes us with kids in tow.  There were elderly couples walking hand in hand, chefs in their chef whites from some of the city's finest restaurants, several people alone, but mainly just a wide variety of people of all shapes and sizes who are interested in getting fresh, locally grown produce.  We will definitely be visiting again.

Today marks the end of our first week on this 30 day challenge to eat only Paleo-friendly foods.  I remain amazed that I am happily satisfied with the diet and am not missing my processed carbs.  I continue to have energy and to feel good physically, mentally, and emotionally.

One of the biggest appeals of this "diet" is the total absence of having to count portions, weigh foods, record calories, and calculate "points" for the foods we are eating.  We basically eat what we want, when we want.  I am not worried about measuring anything.  What freedom it is to feel like you are eating healthy and not have all of the "baggage" that usually comes with doing that.  The funny thing though is that my appetite is reduced.  The protein really does seem to satisfy my appetite and keep me satisfied until it is time for the next meal.  I do not have those mid-afternoon snack cravings like I used to have.

So, what about the "diet demons" that I have spoken about before?  So far, they are leaving me alone.  I cannot quite figure out why.  Perhaps this lifestyle (notice I didn't say diet!) truly is for me.  I know I sound doubtful, but I have LOTS of experience with many different kinds of diets and obviously, none of them have given me long-term success.  At some point, on every diet I have ever tried, the "diet demons" pay me a visit with their plans of sabotage.  They work on me emotionally and physically and batter my self-esteem back into oblivion so that I finally give up, admit defeat, and gain the weight back (plus some more usually).  I guess there is a part of me that is just waiting on the inevitable time that the "diet demons" will start beating me up and get me to start cheating and doubting.  Somehow, mentally...I need to get past that and believe that possibly this might be a lifetime choice of how to eat and live.  It could totally change the rest of my life to not have to be constantly concerned with my weight, finding clothes that fit, worrying about health issues, being worried about what others think about "the fat girl" in the room, and my lack of ability to do fun, physical things with my family.  The possibility of that change really happening is frightening and a bit intimidating.

But one thing is for sure.  At this point, I am willing to keep going as I am going and keep trying.  As long as I feel good, have energy, am satisfied and happy with the food I am eating, and feel physically better than I have in months, then I will keep going on living life as a cave mom in my little neck of the world.

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